Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rough times...

Yeah, a billion things have come up. Some bad, some good, but essentially all of it is getting in the way of this project. We'll have to see how it goes, but again, I DO plan on finishing up this movie one way or another.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


It's the Supah Crazy-Ass Renaldo Rangers!

A commission for good 'ol Psyguy. This is a spin-off starring Go! Go! Parody Rangers villain, Renaldo! It takes place between the 2nd and upcoming 3rd Part of the Parody Rangers Feature Movie and was co-written by Psy and myself. Renaldo always dreamed of having his own team of Power Rangers, so thanks to the power of friendship and cold hard cash, his wet dream come horribly true! Hopefully you'll excuse the corner-cutting animation for this one, I had to get it done quicker, so you'll notice stock heads and mouthflaps. Regardless, hope you get as much of a laugh out of it as Psy and I did, enjoy!

Sorry for the delay on this one folks, still really busy with lots of other crap. I'll be editing the audio for Part 3 of the Movie soon, so hopefully I can get the next part finished sometime over the summer. Renaldo can tie you guys over for a little bit, HM-HMM!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Slight hitch.

There'll probably be a NG blog post about this that I'll put up later, but I figured I may as well put it here too.

Now, there's no "drama" or any crap like that behind this, only business stuff. Long story short, the remaining parts of the Parody Rangers Feature can no longer be sponsored my funding from Newgrounds. There may be more details on that specifically in the near future, whenever the folks on the NG staff feel comfortable with mentioning more about it, but as far as it affecting me, there may not be any money involved on the project from here on out unless something drastic changes.

However, when I wrote the original script with the others back in '07, I went into this with no idea of Newgrounds sponsorships even being prevalent in the flash animation community. Tomamoto, who had been getting more involved with the project even after we recorded his lines for Evan Splooge, made the suggestion to me since he knew it wasn't gonna be an average flash movie considering the amount of time that would be going into it. Tom Fulp was gracious enough to allow me sponsorship for Parts 1 & 2 as well as the $00pah NiN10Doh! collaboration. Point is, my goal is still to finish this project to the very end and cap off the Parody Rangers "franchise" as it were, regardless of money issues.

For the time being, I'm focusing on a few other projects I have in the works, one of which being the Renaldo Rangers one-shot which obviously is more directly related to the Movie, as it takes place between Parts 2 & 3. My student film will be out on May 1st, Brawl Taunts 3 will be out on May 7th and I have a concept I may be trying out later during that month. Renaldo Rangers has no release date as of now, but it won't take too long to finish up, I just haven't had a whole lot of drive to work in general the past couple weeks. I'll get goin' with it, no worries.
More than likely I'll be working on Part 3 over the summer if things don't get incredibly busy for me. I'd imagine it won't take incredibly long to do this part since it's a bit shorter than the others. Part 4 (yes it's going to be 4 now) may take a little longer, but god damn I'll finish this thing if it kills me.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Sorry for the lack of updates, been incredibly busy with other animation-related stuff and school is nearly done so the pressure's been building. Part 3 is on hold for the time being, but once the summer starts I'll be gettin' back into it again. In the meantime however, you can look forward to a little spin-off coming out relatively soon ;]

Friday, March 20, 2009

Easter Eggs!

Part 2 hit front page earlier today. Thanks everyone who watched, hope ya got a laugh or two. I've gotten a lotta nice complements from everyone on board and I'm glad it turned out so well. Managed to get this one done, being more complicated and MUCH longer than Part 1, in a damn impressive time-frame too. I started on it over the Christmas break, finished everything up to Billiam hanging himself (and failing miserably at it), took a slight break to work on some other pressing matters then got back to it and finished the rest a little under a week ago. Part 3 won't be as long as this one, so it should be done most likely by mid-summer depending on when I get it finished.

Gotta couple Easter Eggs for you guys to have some fun with, thanks to the audio portal! I'm glad that for the most part people were okay with the "sex scene" near the end. Even when the script was written back near the end of 2007, I hadn't intended anything explicit to be shown. It was more intended to be funny than anything else as opposed to just fanservice. The seven VAs I had doing stuff for that scene, between all of the Rangers (minus Billiam), Dulcy and of course the Shark, there was a lotta funny material blended in there. Sadly a lot of it was unable to make out, but one of the "couples" within that scene had some improv I specifically thought came out really funny. Thanks both Chris & Kira for the hysterical recordings ;] Only Meat would be rude enough to answer a call about phone plans during sex with a hellcat. Oh well, at least Verizon never stops workin' for him!

Verizon Wireless: Meat & Dulcy

Then the other one is the ending theme of Part 2. A while back I adapted the Japanese theme of "Kyoryu Sentai: Zyuranger!" (which is what we derived Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers from back then) into a version about the Parody Rangers characters. I recorded the vocals with Chris doing Meat's voice for a couple clips here and there, as well as some mish-moshin' during the guitar solo. It's silly but I think a few people gotta kick out of it so it's up for download! In times of great need, when the world needs a good stupid laugh, these idiots will band together and make you lol, rofl, possibly make you lyao! Go! Fight!

Mojiri Sentai: PARODYRANGER!

NOW, I got more work to do as per the usual. Bye kids :]

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Part 2

Go! Go! Parody Rangers: THE MOVIE - Part 2 "Planet Buut2dahed"
[Runtime: 20 Minutes]

Evan Splooge's sinister plot has been set into motion as the citizens of Angel Grove are put under his vulgar mind control! Our heroes must reunite and venture out on another quest to upgrade their currently craptastic powers. But they'll have to be fast, with Zordon rapidly fading away, Splooge's secret weapons in the works and even the former supervillains can't stop him, our ragtag bunch of morons may be our only hope!

This film is NOT for kids and contains plenty of innapropriate (not to mention, immature) humor. If this sort of thing isn't up your alley or if you are offended by such content in any way, please feel free to give it a pass. Otherwise, to the fans who've followed along with Parody Rangers previously, I hope you enjoy it for what it is and have some fun!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Wait for iiiit~

PART 2's animation process is complete...no screencaps this time, they're all spoilers ;]

All that's left is to do the credits, throw in a quick little promised cameo afterward, compile some scenes together and it'll be all ready to go. I'm happy with how it turned out and hope y'all get a cheap laugh or two. Just a little longer folks.

Friday, March 13, 2009


The Rangers're gettin' rowdy. I mean look at 'em!


They've got plenty more to worry about, for this is still just the beginning!

In here is where their destiny awaits!
Scene 6 is done, so we're nearing the end of PART 2's production! One scene left to go...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Moving on!

Scene 5 (of 7) of PART 2 is complete, here's a few caps. Two more scenes to go and I gotta full week off of school with Spring Break, so keep your fingers crossed that I can finish 'em up!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Old Faithful

Scene 4's finished, 3 to go before PART 2 is complete. They're all quick and simple to do for the most part, so hopefully by the time Spring break swings around for me I'll have enough time to finish it up and you can expect it by early this month, maybe even (possibly) in one solid movie instead of "episodes". If not it'll be Episodes "2-1" and "2-2".

Anyway, here's a few really old sketches I did going into PART 1 a while back:

This was the opening scene, with a quick design of "The Flying Bitch-O" airplane, a layout of the long BG scroll showcasing all six Rangers, Bulk and Skull in their skydiving outfits, then the shot of all of them jumping out of the plane. At the bottom, a shot of the "Deathfall 4 Peace" event with a zoom-out to show Booch Jr. & his pop, plus Yannick Jr. his new friend. Then we have a quick design of the telecaster overseeing the Deathfall, "Nawty" (voiced by Marc Swint) who I later carried over the design for a new cartoon I'm currently working on.

Also Wile E. Coyote was meant to be in the shot prior where the Rangers look at Pinky in the plane, after she asks something about the parachutes. He was going to be in the background holding up the "What a maroon." sign in typical Looney Toon fashion (I think Psy wrote this joke from my recollection) but it didn't really fit with the shot after double-checking, so I opted not to throw him in there. Ah well.

I've gotta few more of these somewhere, I'll probably put up some more later on, as well as a few other character histories such as the villains. Meanwhile I'll be keeping busy and focusing mainly on finishing PART 2 as soon as possible.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

...back at the ranch!

Finally getting back to work. The next day or so I'll be dedicating completely to Scene 4 of 7. Once Spring Break sets in another week from now, I'll really be crackin' down on getting PART 2 completed. I wanted to have it out by February but I don't see it happenining now, ah well. Here's a couple non-spoilerific shots of Scene 4:

Reuninons are always a little awkward...

But this is no time for laughs!

Because a new mission has been set in place for our heroes!

...though certainly not important enough to keep Billiam from striking up even MORE awkward conversation.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Gettin' back into it...

S'been a month since I've updated here. I took a bit of time off on PART 2 due to having other work come up. I got commissioned to do a music video, I got hired as a colorist for an independant film, been working on projects at school...you understand right? RIGHT!? WE'RE PALS AREN'T WE!?

The next Scene (4 of 7) that makes up PART 2 is slowly being worked on. I'm pushing myself to work on it a little bit every day as I did with the previous scenes. Some of them are fairly simple, but I have some more complicated stuff coming up, which'll be fun actually. Also I've got some great special guests lined up for this next one, including the premiere of Kira Buckland's character, Dulcy ('bout time). I'll throw y'all some more screencaps when I get the chance. Later!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Team up!

Scene 3 is done, as is what would equate to "Episode 2-1". I'll be compiling these scenes tommorrow at SVA. Here's a couple more caps:

The rangers've been busy over the last couple months, as have the villains. This specific part of the Movie isn't adapted from the original Mighty Morphin' film, but I've been looking forward to it since the script was first released. Everyone will play an important part and it all builds up here.

Also before I forget, a little school project of mine will be tying into the Movie at this current point. It'll all make sense later, no worries ;]

Monday, January 12, 2009

It's your favorite show!

Two of seven different scenes that make up PART 2 are now complete, the next one should be fairly simple as well. Don't wanna give too much away so I'm being particular with screencaps from here on out, but here's a few! Nothin' like some good TV to sooth the soul...or take it, whichever.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Sploogin' times.

First post of 2009, FINALLY finished the first of about seven scenes that will make up Part 2. Hopefully that will equate to about three "episodes" as with the previous ones, we'll see how it goes. Either case, the next bit opens up with another scene using our beloved villains. I meant to get some of these up before the year was up, but here's a few caps:

Animating Evan Splooge was a challenge, as with all of the villains since the very first Parody Rangers, but Josh Tomar's voice performance makes it very easy and fun for me. I've now got drawing Evan constantly down to an easier process, but good LORD doing his lipsynch is difficult. He's gotta ton of lines, so it takes up quite a bit. Either case, it's comin' out pretty well and I'm making pretty good time with this so far, since I was able to get one scene of about 2 minutes within a couple weeks since my vacation started. I've got another week left before school starts and I actually think I can finish another one before I head back to the city, but we shall see.

Also real quick, $00pah NiN10Doh! came out much later than expected, but be sure to check it out. Some great animation's in there and video game fans'll definitely enjoy it.