Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Gettin' back into it...

S'been a month since I've updated here. I took a bit of time off on PART 2 due to having other work come up. I got commissioned to do a music video, I got hired as a colorist for an independant film, been working on projects at understand right? RIGHT!? WE'RE PALS AREN'T WE!?

The next Scene (4 of 7) that makes up PART 2 is slowly being worked on. I'm pushing myself to work on it a little bit every day as I did with the previous scenes. Some of them are fairly simple, but I have some more complicated stuff coming up, which'll be fun actually. Also I've got some great special guests lined up for this next one, including the premiere of Kira Buckland's character, Dulcy ('bout time). I'll throw y'all some more screencaps when I get the chance. Later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hell yeah we're pals!

So...tell us a little about Dulcy. Who is she suppose to be a mockery of?