Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rough times...

Yeah, a billion things have come up. Some bad, some good, but essentially all of it is getting in the way of this project. We'll have to see how it goes, but again, I DO plan on finishing up this movie one way or another.


Jshalet said...

Please x10000000000000000000000 post part 3, its gonna be fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

maybe you should split what you had for part 3?

SlapStickDavis said...

WASSUP, BITCHEZ?! I was told to say that every single fucking day! XD PART 3 WILL BE SO FUCKING EPIC!!! I feel bad for Meat....HE'S GONNA GET ROBOT OWL AIDS, OR ROAIDS (pronounced ROW-AIDS) XD