Friday, July 16, 2010

Part 3

Go! Go! Parody Rangers: THE MOVIE - Part 3 "Race Against Slime"
[Runtime: - 17 Minutes]

After a sexilicous night of rest and preparation, the Rangers finally set out into the darkest, most dangerous depths of the Planet Buut2dahed in order to gain a powerful new power of powerness. They arrive back in Angel Grove with a whole railroad's worth of power and the sinister Evan Splooge's "Orgasmotrons" are already wreaking havoc across the city! But when the violet villain takes matters into his own little munchy-thing hands, they alone can't stop his might! It will take every able set of hands to put an end to this insanity! The Parody Ranger Legend concludes today!

This film is NOT for kids and contains plenty of innapropriate (not to mention, immature) humor. If this sort of thing isn't up your alley or if you are offended by such content in any way, please feel free to give it a pass. Otherwise, to the fans who've followed along with Parody Rangers previously, I hope you enjoy it for what it is and have some fun!

Thanks everyone for sticking with the Parody Rangers series for the past several years and hope you gotta laugh or two along the way. Enjoy the big finale!

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