Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Special Download: Three Parody Rangers Songs!

Click here to download the Zip folder with these three songs!

"Mojiri Sentai: Parodyranger!" - This was the ending credits theme to PART 2 of the Feature Movie. Performed by myself, with some mish-moshin' by Chris Zito (the voice of Meat), it's a spoof of the original opening theme song from Kyoryu Sentai: Zyuranger (the Japanese show of which Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers originates from). The song is all about Parody Rangers itself and what these ridiculous cartoons are all about. This was released briefly on Newgrounds, but now it's here just for you!

"Give me the Splooge to carry on" - When the Movie was thought at one point to be split into four parts, this WOULD have been the ending credits theme to PART 3 of the Movie, but since PART 3 has been condensed enough to be the finale of the entire Feature, this song had no room to be used. However, it's incredibly funny and performed by Josh Tomar, in character as Evan Splooge. The song is from the english version of Sailor Moon, an insert song about the final battle against the bad guys. Josh was performing this on his way home to record Evan Splooge with me and was rehearsing and prepping the character voice by just for fun, he recorded this!

"Power Rangers Epic Mix" - Created by Chris O'Neill, another cartoonist from Newgrounds, this is an instrumental version of the Power Rangers theme he also submitted to the Audio Portal if you'd like to download it from there. I wanted to find a place to use it in the Movie, but sadly there was no room. Thankfully though, there was a perfect place to use it in the Supah Crazy-Ass Renaldo Rangers!

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